Monday, April 25, 2022
INTRVL, the media optimization and audience research company, announced today it is a finalist for three Reed Awards for political excellence. The award categories include Most Innovative Poli-Tech Startup, Best Data Visualization, and Innovation in Digital Ad Measurement. The Reeds are the most exacting awards for political campaigns and grassroots and advocacy organizations and are awarded by Campaigns & Elections magazine.
“We’re thrilled to be considered for these prestigious awards and to have our tools and tech honored as some of the best in the industry,” said Steven McAlpine, CEO of INTRVL. “Our mission is to help campaigns grow their impact with 2-3x more efficient ad buys and a deeper understanding of how to move voters. As a startup, we move fast to create tools that give campaigns an edge. It’s gratifying to see this work recognized by the industry-leading Reed Awards.”
INTRVL is a finalist for three Reed Awards, including:
Political media spend has grown 3x since 2016. Yet even with large budgets, campaigns still don’t know if their ads are working to actually persuade voters. Commonly available media measurement tools are either deployed before ads run or track the wrong metrics to determine an ad’s efficacy.
INTRVL’s proprietary measurement tools allow campaigns to gauge the effectiveness of their ads in real-time with real audiences — helping them think beyond pre-tests and optimize their media for 2-3x greater impact, without increasing media budget. Using the latest in-flight measurement and data science techniques, INTRVL's work unlocks insights to make ad buys more efficient and increase the persuasive impact of entire media campaigns.
Walled gardens and tight budgets make it difficult to understand if paid media is actually changing the minds of voters. In addition, current media measurement tools are limited in their ability to track persuasion. INTRVL’s unique, in-flight measurement capabilities help campaigns measure and optimize their ads’ impact in real time. Our combined offerings deliver cost-efficient, cross-channel insights to increase media impact and drive more effective campaigns.
As part of a public health campaign, INTRVL modeled and visualized thousands of survey responses nationwide to better understand and communicate with vaccine-hesitant adults. This project's concept was straightforward: By differentiating between adults who are ‘resistant’ to the COVID-19 vaccine vs. those who are merely ‘hesitant,’ public health ads could be better targeted to individuals who were most likely to be persuaded. Our dashboard visualizes this analysis and allows users to interrogate the results by geography, age, vaccine status, demographics, and ideology. For a public health issue that’s been beset by misinformation and lack of trust, this tool empowered media planners, researchers, and lay people alike to look at the data firsthand and reach their own conclusions.
INTRVL helps campaigns turbocharge their ad performance with advanced media optimization & audience research tools. These innovative tools make in-field media measurement more cost-efficient and insightful — unlocking 2-3x more effective ad buys without additional media spend.
The Reed Awards are awarded by Campaigns & Elections, the leading journal of the political campaign industry.